Submit a Programming Idea

CSLP needs your 2026 program ideas and resource suggestions!

2026 Theme: Dinosaurs
2026 Slogan: Unearth a Story (Spanish slogan TBC)

Additional manual chapter(s) for 2026: 250th Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, the celebration of America’s Semiquincentennial

All submissions will be reviewed by the Manual Committees; however, due to limited space, we cannot print every idea submitted, and programs may be modified from their original submissions.

NOTE: If you submit original photos with your program idea, your idea will be prioritized for inclusion in the manual (with attribution to you and your library!).

If you have any problems using this form, please email

Programming suggestions for the 2026 manual themes (“Dinosaurs/Unearth a Story/Semiquincentennial) will be accepted until September 27, 2024.